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Project Duration

Limerick City & Co. Council.

14 Months

Project Description

Construction of 7 new houses and associated site works.

Work Included
  • The project consisted of the construction of 7 new houses and associated site works.

  • The site was located between an existing avenue and an Alzheimer’s ward and restrictions were put in place regarding the operating of machinery, working hours etc. to minimise disruption to neighbouring residents.

  • Site works included installation of an attenuation tank & petrol interceptor, a precast retaining wall between the development and the Alzheimer’s unit, public lighting and CCTV, installation of gas, electrical, water mains to Irish water Standards, foul & storm networks and 800m2 paving laid on a high strength bedding compound.

  • A number of subcontractors carried out various elements of the works including paving, block/brickwork, civil works. These were managed and coordinated by PBC as main contractor.

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